{STS} Headquarters


  About us




  Americas Army









   Special thanks to Storm=ASP=Ldr1


Rules of STS



To become a STS member send e-mail to our Recruiting Office with completed "Recruiting Form" in it and one of the recruiting officers will contact you. He will arange or tell you when we have training. After playing he will decide (maybe consult with other recruiting officers) for which unit you are appropriate. If you will be appropriate for more units (and we would need soldiers in all of them) you will have to choose just one of them. If you dont agree with officers decision you can't become a member of STS. When you will approach to STS you will get Personall Jacket.


- when you choose a unit you must play it minimum for 2 months. After 2 months if you are skilled enough for other unit and STS have needs for it, you can send a request for changing it. In extreme situations Leadership of STS can broke the rule about 2 months and move you in unit where soldiers are needed. When mission is accomplished you could return in your previous unit.

- as a member of STS you must change nick to {STS} - YourNick. Between } and - your nick is space. You also must register yourselfe in our forum where you must have the same nick as in game (after registering you will get permission to members forums. Your avatar will be your rank patch. Beacuse of tracking your activities as STS you must add your nick to AA Tracker under our clan-tracker.

- promotions and medal awards are preformed when "Committee for Promotions and Awards" make a decision and Sergeant Major of the Army agrees with them. Personal troubles and conflicts are not considered in this proceedures neither good relationship.

- bad language and behaviour are leading in discipline proceedure as well as oppositon of orders from superior officer or soldier. If you think order was in-appropriate you can send complaint to "Committee for Discipline". The complaint must include description of situation.

- if you really can't play we will understand but we will be very happy if you write any messagge in forum

- you mustn't be a member in any other AA Clan


Leadership of STS:

Sgt. Maj. of Army John Murray ; {STS} Mur-Dog
Com. Sgt. Maj. Dejan Mezgec ; {STS} - Kologg
Com. Sgt. Maj. Grega Drofenik ; {STS} - KILLER

Committee for Recruiting:

Sgt. Maj. of Army John Murray ; {STS} Mur-Dog
Com. Sgt. Maj. Dejan Mezgec ; {STS} - Kologg
Com. Sgt. Maj. Grega Drofenik ; {STS} - KILLER

Committee for Promotions and Awards:

Sgt. Maj. of Army John Murray ; {STS} Mur-Dog
Com. Sgt. Maj. Dejan Mezgec ; {STS} - Kologg
Com. Sgt. Maj. Grega Drofenik ; {STS} - KILLER

Committee for Discipline:

Sgt. Maj. of Army John Murray ; {STS} Mur-Dog
Com. Sgt. Maj. Dejan Mezgec ; {STS} - Kologg
Com. Sgt. Maj. Grega Drofenik ; {STS} - KILLER

If you have any questions send us e-mail or drop by in our forum. New members will get password for AA Tracker in forum.


Sgt. Maj. of Army



   Recruitment Center
Recruiting Office
Recruiting Form
   Contact Clan
Send Email

   Newest Member/Date

Kirn - 8/03
hise007 - 8/03

- 7/03

- 7/03

   Official Links

Americas Army
U.S. Army

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Military Sim
Squads list

  {STS} Stuff
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