{STS} Headquarters


  About us




  Americas Army








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We are recruiting

   Special thanks to Storm=ASP=Ldr1

  {STS} News


August 14,2003

Posted By {STS} - KILLER, hours 23:00

We have 2 new members, {STS} TheFranchise007 & {STS} - Kirn. Wellcome both, we all are looking forward to playing with you.

{STS} - Kellog
got Medic badge.

{STS} - hopla was awarded with USA Commendation Medal for 3000 kills, Good Conduct Medal for 60 honor and Purple Heart for 2000KIA. Got Medic badge.

{STS} - Kirn was awarded with 4 Good Conduct Medals for 50 honor, 2 Purple Hearts for 2000KIA, DOD Joint Service Achievement Medal for 2000 kills and USA Commendation Medal for 3000 kills.

{STS} - Lejko_SLO was awarded with Purple Heart for 1000KIA.

{STS} - MyDeath got Medic badge.

{STS} - Lord Nemesis got Medic badge.

{STS} TheFranchise007 was awarded with Good Conduct Medal for 20 honor.

{STS} Mur-Dog has DOD Silver Star form Desert Storm, 1991. Got Medic

{STS} - KILLER was awarded with Purple Heart for 1000 KIA.

Quote: Mur-Dog

That today Killer has received the DOD Meritorious Service Medal for Outstanding Service to his clan by maintaining & updating his Clan web page. A well deserved medal but just a small token of what you are really worth. Always remember the medal does not make the man, the Man makes the Medal. Signed Sergeant Major of the Army

__ Mur-dog

{STS} - KILLER was awarded with DOD Meritorious Service Medal for outstanding Non-combat Meritorious Achievement.

Please all members download TacPlanner 1.1 and also map backgrounds which we would need. You can download it from http://filo.ofpec.com/


July 20,2003

Posted By {STS} - KILLER, hours 19:00

We have 2 new members, {STS} DamnFoxes & {STS} - Xyle. Wellcome both, we all are looking forward to playing with you.

I added "Allies" section where are listed our allied clans with their tags & web.
I added "Recruiting Form" for easier and faster recruiting.

I added member's MSN addresses in "Roster" section.
Our Medal System is finaly completed.

{STS} - Kologg changed his username to {STS} - Kellog.
{STS} - Kellog
awarded with Purple Heart for 3000 KIA.

{STS} - hopla was promoted to Sergeant First Class.
{STS} - hopla was awarded with DOD Joint Service Achievement Medal for 2000 kills.

{STS} - Lejko_SLO was awarded with Good Conduct Medal for 30 honor.

{STS} Mur-Dog was awarded with DOD Joint Service Achievement Medal for 2000 kills.
{STS} Mur-Dog was awarded with USA Commendation Medal for 3000 kills.

When you achieve a medal please inform me about it!!! Thank you!


June 2,2003

Posted By {STS} - KILLER, hours 13:00


{STS} - Kologg awarded with Good Conduct Medal for 40 honor.

{STS} Mur-Dog awarded with Purple Heart for 2000 KIA.





June 30,2003

Posted By {STS} - KILLER, hours 17:00

{STS} - ShadoW changed her username to {STS} - MyDeath.

2 new wallpapers added in Wallpapers section.




June 28,2003

Posted By {STS} - KILLER, hours 19:15

At first I must say sorry to all new and old members because I didn't update our site for so long. I had some unknown problems which disappeard today.
And today I also welcome our 2 new members:

{STS} Lejko SLO & {STS} - Djoser

Hope you will enjoy staying in our clan. We all are looking forward to playing with you!

PS: I had also read some rumour that Patch 1.8 will be released July 4th!


June 28,2003

Posted By {STS} - KILLER, hours 19:10

{STS} - hopla awarded with Good Conduct Medal for 50 honor and Purple Heart for 1000 KIA.





Tables of Honor

March 12,2003

Posted By {STS} - KILLER, hours 5:00

I'm proud to introduce our new member and my good friend John Mur-Dog
. He is a 10 year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, (M.O.S.) 0311/8541
Infantry/ Scout Sniper, (F.A.S.T.) company Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security
Team, Norfolk 1989-1994. 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines 1994-1999. We have been playing AA together for a long time now... On our homeserver The BRIDGE, HomeLAN 04 West!!!! Welcome John!!!



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   Newest Member/Date

Kirn - 8/03
hise007 - 8/03

- 7/03

- 7/03

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